KJHS provides a broad, balanced and relevant range of subjects within the N.I. Curriculum.

Each pupil is encouraged to strive for high standards matched with high aspirations. As an all- ability school we make provision for pupils of all academic abilities. Pupils with additional needs, whether they are academic, physical or emotional, are offered support to remove barriers that may hinder progress. This support can be through in-school provision or access to external support services.
Our classes are banded according to ability. We do not use entrance exams to place pupils, close relationships have been built with our feeder primary schools and we liaise carefully to transfer key data and pastoral information to assist in class placement. Differentiated teaching methods further ensure that all pupils’ needs are addressed.
Throughout the 3 years the performance of our pupils is monitored using both internal and external testing. This ensures that pupils are placed in the appropriate band. Twice yearly reviews take place to review pupil placement.
In addition to formal exams in November and May, all subjects operate tracking assessments. This helps staff to monitor pupil progress and to work with them in target setting to improve their performance. Twice yearly each department identifies pupils who are underachieving and these pupils will benefit from strategies that best suits their needs. This analysis also allows departments to identify our high achieving pupils and their performance is also recognised and rewarded. Furthermore, Year Heads carry out an overview of this analysis and identify pupils who are underperforming across a band. Partnership with home is an important part of the mentoring process which follows this analysis.
Pupils set individual targets at the start of the school year. These are reviewed mid-year and new targets set, with the assistance of the Form Teacher.