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Respective functions of the Board of Governors and Principal in relation to Admissions to the school 


The Board of Governors draws up the admissions criteria and delegates to an Admissions Subcommittee, which includes the Principal, the responsibility for applying these criteria.  Any reference herein to the term Board of Governors includes any Committee or Subcommittee appointed by the Board of Governors for the purposes of applying the Admission Criteria set out herein.


View Admissions Document Here


Admission to Year 8

(either in September 2022 or during the course of the 2022/2023 school year)


The lodging of an application is interpreted by the Board of Governors as an indication that the parents and the child concerned accept and is in agreement with the ethos, philosophy, aims, policies and regulations of the school including any code of conduct or discipline policy of the school. Information in relation to these may be obtained from the school.


Admission Criteria


In selecting children for admission, children resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission to the school will be selected before any child not so resident.


If the school’s enrolment and admissions numbers have not been reached, the school will enrol all the children whose parents wish them to attend. In any year when these numbers are exceeded the Board of Governors will use the following criteria to decide which pupils should be admitted: -


1. Pupils who attended any of the following contributory primary schools (not listed in any order of priority).


            Ballyoran                                 Edenderry, Portadown                                                Portadown Integrated

            Birches                                     Hart Memorial                                                                 Presentation

            Bleary                                       Millington                                                                           Richmount

            Bocombra                               Moyallon                                                                            Seagoe

            Drumgor                                  Orchard County                                                              St Brendan’s




2. Children whose brother/sister will be in attendance at Killicomaine Junior High School during the 2022/23 school year.


3. Children whose brother/sister previously attended Killicomaine Junior High School


4. Pupils whose parents nominate Killicomaine Junior High School as first preference on Transfer form


5. Applicants who are the eldest child of the family*


6. Children of permanent members of teaching or ancillary staff


7. Pupils for whom Killicomaine Junior High School is the nearest Controlled Junior High School (measured by OSNI measuring tool) **


8. Other Children.



* Eldest child of the family, includes applicants who, although not chronologically the eldest in the family, are to be treated as ‘eldest eligible child in the family’ in circumstances set out below:

(a) The applicant is the first in the family to transfer to a Junior High School in Northern Ireland;

(b) Where the applicant is more than five years younger than the next eldest sibling (by birth date)

(c) Where the applicant’s family has moved residence so that the applicant is the first child of the family to have an opportunity to apply to the school.


** Tie Breaker - In the event the school being oversubscribed and the above criteria having been applied, priority will be given to pupils whose permanent place of residence is closest to Killicomaine Junior High School asmeasured using the Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) online Distance Measuring Tool, using 6-figure northings and eastings grid references to identify distance from the front gate of school to individual houses.


In the event of over-subscription within any of the above criteria the following sub-criteria will be applied as appropriate to determine which children should be admitted.


1. Children whose brother/sister will be in attendance at Killicomaine Junior High School during the 2022/23 school year.


2. Children whose brother/sister previously attended Killicomaine Junior High School


3. Pupils whose parents nominate Killicomaine Junior High School as first preference on Transfer form


4. Applicants who are the eldest child of the family*


5. Children of permanent members of teaching or ancillary staff


6. Pupils for whom Killicomaine Junior High School is the nearest Controlled Junior High School (measured by OSNI measuring tool) **


Duty To Verify


Applicants should note that they may be required to produce documents verifying their address or the age of the child concerned. The provision of false or incorrect information or the failure to produce verifying documents according to the required deadline may result in either the withdrawal of a place or the inability of the school to offer a place.



Criteria For Transfer Between Schools


Pupils will be considered for enrolment providing that their admission:


(a) Would not cause the school to exceed its enrolment number as determined by the Department of Education;

(b) Would not prejudice, in the opinion of the Board of Governors, efficient use of resources;

(c) Ensures that pupils placed the appropriate academic band for their academic ability, after analysis of their ‘standardised’ and other scores.


Recommended class size by band (SLT/Board of Governor recommendations)


A= 29

B= 27

C= 15



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