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Introduction to the CEIAG Department

A high quality careers provision is essential in today’s complex and changing employment market. At Killicomaine, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is an important element of our provision. We strive to enable pupils to make more informed, considered and realistic decisions about their education, training and employment options.

Aims & Objectives of the CEIAG Department

We aim to:

  • provide pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum that will enable them to pursue progression pathways which match their interests and aspirations;

  • equip pupils with the employability skills required for future working lives through a range of opportunities and experiences;

  • instil a commitment to lifelong learning in each pupil which is essential in today’s world of work; 

  • empower pupils to plan and manage their future careers.


In support of our overall aims, there are 3 strategic objectives for our careers education and guidance programme; helping pupils to develop:

  • Knowledge and understanding of themselves as individuals - their strengths, skills, personal qualities, interests, attainments and capabilities; (This is primarily managed through our Pupil Profile platform www.calc.eduction)

  • Awareness and understanding of the world of work and of the career and learning opportunities available to them in terms of further/higher education, training and employment;

  • Confidence and independence in terms of managing their career.

CEIAG Provision in Year 8-10 at Killicomaine

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is provided by

  • Employability Teachers

  • Subject Teachers

  • Form Teachers

  • & Careers Advisers from the Careers Service NI


Killicomaine’s pupils also benefit from a range of other experiences and expertise of other external providers including:

  • businesses (Coca Cola HBC, Galgorm Hotel & Spa, Hollie Berrie Tea Rooms at Scarva, Merchant Hotel, Belfast)

  • organisations (STEM Quest)

  • professionals (Author, Geologist, Paramedic visits),

  • & other education and training providers (Eye4Education, Amazing Brains, Young Enterprise eg Year 9 Explore Enterprise workshop, Southern Regional College, CALC & ABC CEIAG collaborative events)


The Core CEIAG programme offered is a key element of the Learning for Life and Work programme known as Employability.


The Employability strand includes:


  • Introduction to Employability

  • Work in the Local and Global Community

  • Career Management

  • Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Skills

  • Option Choices for KS4


All activities and guidance given hope to promote the following:

Career Exploration: Support, Advice & Guidance in identifying career pathways and learning opportunities in education and employment within Northern Ireland and further afield.  

Career Management: Support, Advice & Guidance in the areas of career planning, effective career decision making and career development.

Self-Awareness & Development: Support, Advice & Guidance in discovering, evaluating and developing the necessary skills to equip them to choose an appropriate career plan.


YEAR 10 : Specific Provision at Killicomaine

CEIAG provision begins to play a bigger role in Year 10. The Year 10 Pupil & Parents' ‘GCSE What Next?’ Information session is held in January.  


This information session is a precursor to the Year 10 Subject Choice decisions that take place after Transfer Exams.


Parent/pupil GCSE subject choice Open Days hosted by KS4 schools plus a range of Career-related presentations also supplement GCSE decision making.


Contact Details

If you require any further information about Killicomaine’s CEIAG provision please contact
Mrs Finlayson (Head of CEIAG) via



Upper Church Lane, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland, BT63 5JE


Tel: 028 3833 2021
Fax: 028 3835 0823

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