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The Library

Accelerated Reader - Home Connect



During the school year, all pupils will be signed up to use Accelerated Reader during their library periods. It is a computer based program that we use so that the pupils can track their reading progress and so that the teachers can monitor pupils’ individual reading practice. Your child/children will choose books for themselves under the guidance of their class teacher and our librarian. It should be a book that is appropriate to their ZPD.


After you enter your child’s username and password you will be able to:

  • view your child’s A.R. quiz results

  • see the number of books read and the number of words read

  • browse a virtual bookshelf that contains books read by your child

  • sign up to receive updates on your child’s most recent quiz results by email.


If you'd like to experience what it's like for your child to take an AR Quiz, click on the link to try a sample quiz.


Note: If you haven't read the book, it's a lot tougher than you think.

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