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Principal's Welcome


“Working together for excellence in a caring community”

A warm welcome to Killicomaine Junior High. I am really proud to say I am the Principal of Killicomaine JHS, supported by a talented, dedicated team of staff; Teaching, Non-Teaching and Governors.


On behalf of the Boards of Governors, staff and pupils we are all delighted you are browsing our school website.


Did you know?


Killicomaine is an all-ability junior high school, part of the Dickson Plan, catering specifically for 11–14-year-olds. We pride ourselves on being a key stage 3 specialist school with an excellent reputation for academic, cultural and sporting excellence.

Visitors are really taken by our school grounds; we have a spacious suburban site with mature wooded areas which provides a pleasant environment for our pupils. Our grounds also boast impressive on-site sports facilities; 2 rugby/soccer pitches, 2 all-weather pitches, 4 2G tennis courts, 2G netball courts, an internationally approved 2G hockey pitch and 3 large indoor halls/gymnasia. There is an excellent Cross-Country course within the grounds. KJHS pupils have also been responsible for developing and maintaining a nature trail used to enhance the “outdoor” curriculum. The grounds and buildings are made available to local community, church and sporting organisations where these requests meet with the school ethos and culture.


The school was opened on 1/1/1958 yet the internal structure of the school is much changed, a result of strategic planning which has included a long-term focus on improving the building provision. In the last 10 years this has involved 4 new Science labs, a new art suite, music suite, drama suite, library and most recently a lecture theatre as well as the previously mentioned tennis courts and hockey pitch. A major toilet/cloakroom extension and refurbishment followed by the provision of 3 additional teaching areas have all been approved by EANI.


Like any great school we want our KJHS pupils to receive an outstanding broad balanced education. We also realise that pupils need to be happy to learn and so our pastoral care system places a huge emphasis on creating the conditions and KJHS culture needed, so pupils are supported to thrive and achieve their personal potential. We work closely in partnership with our parents and believe this relationship is crucial to the success of our pupils. The school mission statement really sums up what we are about at KJHS.


“Working together for excellence in a caring community”


Excellent teaching and learning is a central theme in our current school development plan. We invest in developing the skills of our teachers, KJHS teacher professional learning (TPL) focuses on collaboration and the exploration and development of innovative teaching techniques. Our lessons have up to date modern teaching methods and appropriate technologies to enhance and engage our pupils.


Pupils are also encouraged to achieve beyond the classroom and contribute to the extra-curricular life of the school by taking part in at least one activity out of a wide range of extra-curricular activities and sports on offer. Whilst we encourage elite performance, it runs alongside a clear focus on inclusivity and participation.



KJHS pupils are also afforded opportunities for leadership through roles such as numeracy ambassadors, GLAM , prefects and student council; to name a few. These opportunities to develop leadership skills really set our pupils apart from those in an 11-16 or 11-18 school who would not have these same opportunities so readily available in years 8 to 10.


Our recently updated school motto “servire honore” underpins our mission statement. Both pupils and staff are proud to be part of Killicomaine Junior High and to serve the school and community with honour through their commitment, attitude, work rate and participation to school life.


We have very high standards of appearance and expect good manners, good behaviour and attitudes. These are rooted in our Christian ethos which provides the best possible basis for our pupils to grow in personal character and as future contributors to society.


If this is your first visit, I really hope you find it useful and informative and that it gives you a flavour of the school climate and culture. Our Facebook pages also give you an indication of the breadth of experiences that pupils have at Killicomaine. If you would like more information, please do contact us.


Kind regards


Mrs AJE Murphy




Upper Church Lane, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland, BT63 5JE



Tel: 028 3833 2021
Fax: 028 3835 0823

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